Fetch vault analytics
Retrieve analytics for vault interactions over a specified date range, with various filters and aggregation levels.
The API key required for accessing protected routes. It should be included in the request headers as x-api-key
Query Parameters
The start date for the analytics in ISO 8601 format (e.g., "2024-09-01").
The end date for the analytics in ISO 8601 format (e.g., "2024-09-30").
The aggregation level for the data.
, weekly
, monthly
, quarterly
, yearly
The team ID to filter by.
The team slug to filter by.
The collection ID to filter by.
The collection slug to filter by.
The token ID to filter by.
The page path to filter by.
The referrer to filter by.
The country to filter by.
The region to filter by.
The device type to filter by.
, tablet
, desktop
, all
The browser to filter by.
The operating system to filter by.
The field to order by.
, sessions
, pageviews
, unique_visitors
, avg_session_duration
The sort order (ascending or descending).
, desc
The number of results per page.
The offset for pagination.